
Prayers with meaning. Starting Prayers GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwara Ha Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha Meaning: Guru: Dispeller of Darkness; Gu=Darkness, Ru=Remover; Brahma: Creator; personification of Creating Quality of God; Vishnu: Preserver; Personification of Preserving quality of God; Deva: God; Maheshwara: Destroyer; Personification of Destroying Quality of God; Saakshaat: Self/ Himself; ParaBrahma: He … Read more


Holistic Health Movement invites you to join us for a special Laughter Yoga Session. Please register using the following link: Passcode to join zoom meeting is health Laughter Yoga is based on the principle that our body benefits from laughing even when we pretend to laugh. As long as we are willing to laugh … Read more

Breath Healing Testimonials – July 2020

Some experiences from Participants of July 2020 batch =============================================== There is improvement in my breathing, every summer I used to suffer with hay fever. To my surprise this year I managed till now without tablets and no hay fever. Now I am confident that if I continue the practice I will get more benefits.– Devi … Read more

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